
Event as part of a project for the Federal Ministry of Justice and for consumer protectionVirtual Workshop on Consumer Protection Technologies

If everything becomes digital, doesn’t that mean that consumer protection and enablement need to be rethought in digital terms? What potential is there for business initiatives for digital consumer protection? How can consumer organizations employ digital tools in their activities for consumer information and legal enforcement? What should an innovation process look like to promote digital technology for purposes of consumer protection?

These questions were in the focus of a virtual workshop held on September 29, 2020, with 50 participants from business, consumer ministries, consumer associations, science and administration. The workshop took place as part of the research project ConProTec_ted, which ConPolicy is implementing together with Fraunhofer IUK-Technology. The project is financed by the Federal Ministry of Justice and for Consumer Protection. The final event of the project is scheduled for February 2021.