In order to achieve equal living conditions, a comprehensive, locally available counselling and support structure should be guaranteed for all consumers. However, this is particularly lacking in rural areas because conventional counselling institutions are limited by their catchment area and economic constraints. A promising solution is outreach work, where consumers can get advice and support on the spot (previous project here). VZ NRW is therefore testing an innovative concept of outreach consumer work in the district of Höxter in a pilot project. The aim is to establish low-threshold, decentralized outreach structures involving local civil society and to systematically integrate them into the conventional information and support infrastructure of the consumer advice centers in order to reach a larger number of consumers.
ConPolicy accompanies the pilot project of the VZ NRW in Höxter with scientific advice and evaluation. In a first work package, the local project participants will receive ongoing scientific advice through targeted workshops and will be supported in the formulation of impact goals. In a further step, a customized evaluation concept will be developed to assess measures and effects. The third work package comprises the evaluation of the consumer work carried out in the district of Höxter. Finally, after a discussion of the experiences, a final report will present proposals on how the findings can be generalized and transferred to other rural regions in NRW and nationwide.