
Leaders' Circle on September 27, 2018 in BerlinCorporate Digital Responsibility Workshop

Project partner:
Systain Consulting

Project period:
September 2018

Digitalization transforms our society. The more relevant digitalization becomes for companies, the more they have to deal with their digital responsibility. Nevertheless, a common understanding of what Corporate Digital Responsibility means and how responsible management can be implemented in the digital world does not exist. This definition gap must be filled in order to create a framework for action which addresses challenges of digitalization in time and builds digital trust.

Therefore, on September 27 2018 our CSR Leaders’ Circle “Corporate Digital Responsibility” took place. It included a mix of practical presentations and interactive workshop-elements and addressed the following key questions:

1. What does society expect from digitalized companies?
2. Which fields of action are especially relevant and which practical experiences exist?
3. Is there an opportunity for differentiation from the competition and how is this possible?

Over 50 guests from business corporations and politics participated in the Leaders’ Cirlcle. The highly influential speakers were:

Federal Ministry of Justice and Cosumer Protection – State Secretary Gerd Billen
Bertelsmann Stiftung – Birgit Riess
Initiative D21 – Jens-Rainer Jänig
Stiftung Datenschutz (Foundation for Data Protection) – Frederik Richter
German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) – Dr. Maja Göpel
Deutsche Telekom – Birgit Klesper
Otto Group – Dr. Johannes Merck
SAP –Stephanie Raabe
Miele – Christoph Wendker

The workshop made clear how important the discussion of Corporate Digital Responsibility is and how much still needs to be done to think digitalizationsustainability and corporate responsibility complementary and act accordingly.

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+49 (0)30 2359116-11

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+49 (0)30 2359116-13