
Behavioral research on behalf of the German Advisory Council for Consumer AffairsPersonalized consumer information

Project period: 
Oktober 2019 – April 2020

Contracting authority:
German Advisory Council for Consumer Affairs

Project partner: 

Consumer information is ubiquitous in everyday consumer live. In particular, is serves to warn consumers of dangers and to enable them to make informed consumption decisions.

However, despite the central importance of consumer information, they have been criticized in consumer policy and research. Some call to improve the effectiveness of consumer information by taking greater account of behavioral insights. It is also proposed to personalize consumer information using digital technologies. Personalization could affect different aspects: content, level of detail, framing, arrangement of options, timing and (graphic) form. These factors could also be varied in different dimensions. For example, in terms of the financial vulnerability, consumer skills, sustainability attitudes or media use.

This study examined the effects of personalization on behavior, subjective and objective information, satisfaction and acceptance. Therefore, a behavioral experiment was designed and conducted in collaboration with decision-context. In connection with another legal study the purpose of this study is to provide guidance to the German Advisory Council for Consumer Affairs for its work on this question.

Project of

Project Manager

+49 (0)30 2359116-13

Managing Director

+49 (0)30 2359116-11