The National Program for Sustainable Consumption (NPNK) and the resulting Competence Center for Sustainable Consumption (KNK) were established to promote sustainable consumption in Germany. In the previous project, the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) had already commissioned the project team of co2online, ConPolicy and the Öko Institute (Institute for Applied Ecology) to manage the KNK with tasks in the areas of organization, public relations, scientific activities and program support.
In the follow-up project, the project team supports the Competence Center in achieving the key objectives of 'informing', 'networking', and 'supporting the implementation of the NPNK'.
Specifically, the project consists of the following three work packages (WP):
- WP 1: website, newsletter, communication material
- WP 2: Network mailings, web seminars, working groups and workshops, sustainable consumption forum
- WP 3: Ongoing support, monitoring of the NPNK, expert scientific support, expert discussion.
ConPolicy is mainly responsible for the scientific support and the implementation of different event formats such as online forums and an expert discussion. ConPolicy also supports the communication activities and the monitoring of the National Program for Sustainable Consumption.