
All publications by Dr. Julius Rauber

  • Rauber, J., Münsch, M. & Vetter, M. (2023). Nudging – Förderung von nachhaltigem und gesundem Verhalten durch 
kleine Änderungen. Scherenberg, V., & Pundt, J. (Hrsg.), Klima-und Gesundheitsschutz: Planetary-Health-Lösungsansätze (Vol. 10).
  • Cerulli-Harms, A., Herrmann, L., Kettner, S. E., Münsch, M. & Rauber, J. (2023) Punctual, cheap, fast - and the climate? On the requirements for commuter mobility today and in the future: Publication in "Internationales Verkehrswesen"
  • Cerulli-Harms, A., Lang, V. & Rauber, J. (2023). "Another mail..." - How attention can be generated and behavioral changes achieved (and where the limits are). Institute of Transportation at the University of Kassel.
  • Rauber, J., Lell, O. & Muster, V. (2022). Less traffic, more quality of life – Guidelines for communicating sufficiency as a goal of municipal transport policy. Publication on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency
  • Bauer, J.; Bietz, S.; Rauber, J.; Reisch, L. A. (2021): Nudging healthier food choices in a cafeteria setting: A sequential multi-intervention field study. Appetite, Volume 160, 1 May 2021, 105106
  • Blind, K., Lorenz, A., Rauber, J., (2020). Drivers for Companies' Entry Into Standard-Setting Organizations. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Volume: 68, Issue: 1, Feb. 2021
  • Philipps, R., Thorun, C., Rauber, J. & Kettner, S.E. (2019). Position paper – Security, self-determination, fairness and inclusion: Policy recommendations for consumer policy in an era of digital change. FES WISO Diskurs.
  • Rauber, J., Thorun, C., Schönduwe, R., Bock, B. & Schelewsky, M. (2018). Digital Transformation – Big Data in public transportation
  • Rauber, J., Bietz, S. & Reisch, L.A. (2018). Einsatzmöglichkeiten von verhaltensbasierten Maßnahmen („Nudges“) zur Förderung nachhaltigen Verhaltens im kommunalen Kontext. Zeppelin Universität Friedrichshafen
  • Loibl, C., Sunstein, C.R., Rauber, J., Reisch, L.A. (2018). Which Europeans like nudges? Approval and controversy in four European countries. Journal of Consumer Affairs.
  • Blind, K., Großmann, A., Müller, J., Rauber, J. (2014). Significance and extent of standardization: Results from the German standardization panel. DIN Mitteilungen, 7, p. 19–21
  • Sunstein, C.R., Reisch, L.A., & Rauber, J. (2017). A world-wide consensus on Nudging? Not quite, but almost. Regulation & Government.
  • Rauber, J. & Reisch, L. (2016). Nudges statt immer mehr Regeln – Geht Regulierung auch anders. Wir Familienunternehmer.
  • Rauber, J. (2014). Connecting standardization, patenting and strategic publishing in the framework of firms’ innovation and intellectual property management. Berlin: Universitätsbibliothek Technische Universität Berlin
  • Blind, K., Rauber, J., Müller, J. (2014). US-specific certifications and standards – the most important barriers to foreign trade with the USA. DIN Mitteilungen, 1, p. 11–15
  • Blind, K., Rauber, J., Müller, J. (2014). Results of the second survey round of the German standardization panel 2014. DIN Mitteilungen, 5, p. 18–21
  • Blind, K., Goluchowicz, K., Rauber, J. (2013). Results of the second survey round of the German standardization panel 2013. DIN Mitteilungen, 8, p. 23–25
  • Blind, K., Rauber, J. (2013). Standardization as an attractive platform for innovative businesses. DIN Mitteilungen, 12, p. 26–29