
DigitalizationBlack Friday: Promotion days popular among online shoppers

Today, the digital association Bitkom published new survey results on shopping behavior of German consumers on promotion days such as Black Friday and Cyber Week. According to the results, 92 percent of Internet users have heard of these promotion days and 55 percent have already purchased respective offers.

For this representative survey, Bitkom Research on behalf of the digital association Bitkom conducted telephone interviews with a total of 1,109 people in Germany aged 16 and above, including 1,048 Internet users, in October 2021.

These are further insights:

  • The vast majority of 92 percent of Internet users have heard of Black Friday or Cyber Week before and 55 percent have bought respective offers during these promotion days.
  • Consumers either grabbed these limited offers spontaneously (39 percent) or planned their purchases specifically for Cyber Week (16 percent).
  • For more than a third (35 percent) of online shoppers, discount promotions were relevant when selecting an online shop – especially for younger consumers between 16 and 29 years (42 percent), but were less important for senior consumers aged 60 and above (11 percent).

Bernhard Rohleder, Bitkom CEO, commented: "The campaign days around Black Friday are the days with the highest sales in online retail in Germany. Online shopping is standard for most consumers. In the process, people are on the hunt for bargains online, especially at the beginning of the Christmas business."

Source: Bitkom

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