
CO:DINA conference 2022ConPolicy impulse on synergies between environmental and consumer policy in digitalization

On June 15, 2022, a conference was held as part of the project 'CO:DINA - Transformation Roadmap Digitalization and Sustainability' under the motto 'Shaping Digital-Ecological Transformation: System change by design or by disruption?' In the workshop 'Digital-ecological statecraft: platform regulation for sustainability transformation', ConPolicy project manager Dr. Otmar Lell presented an impulse for a reorientation of platform regulation under environmental and consumer policy perspectives.

In his impulse, Otmar Lell pleaded for proactively anchoring consumer interests and sustainability in digitalization. So far, consumer regulation of digitization has been geared toward selectively averting specific consumer risks. It is also necessary to oblige digital platforms to act in the public interest. A 'state of the art' regulation should contribute to this by obliging platforms to design their IT systems in the best possible way in the interests of the values concerned.