
ULD Summer AcademyConPolicy input presentation on "Privacy – the new organic?!"

As in every year, the Independent State Centre for Data Protection (ULD) Schleswig-Holstein is hosting its Summer Academy. This year, the focus is on consumer privacy challenges and solutions.

In his presentation "Privacy – the new organic?!", ConPolicy Managing Director Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun explored which parallels exist between the two topics and how we could transfer the knowledge gained in decades of research on sustainable/organic consumption to the more recent concept of data privacy. He argued that both issues face a sharp discrepancy between what people think is important and how they actually behave. Therefore, the aim must be to learn from behavioral science in order to close this intention-behavior gap. He showed how this could be done with a range of examples. His presentation can be found here (in German).

Media coverage: // ULD-Sommerakademie zum Verbraucherdatenschutz