On November 23, 2020, the consumer congress of the Ministry for Environment, Agriculture, Conservation and Consumer Protection of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia took place, which dealt with various topics of data sovereignty in everyday consumer life.
During the congress, ConPolicy project manager Dr. Sara Elisa Kettner held a presentation with the title "A look into practice – Study on innovative privacy consent management". It was followed by a panel discussion with Marc Fliehe (VdTÜV), Klaus Müller (Federation of German Consumer Organisations) and Rebekka Weiß (Bitkom), in which the possibilities of data protection through technology design were discussed.
The presentation is available until the end of 2020 as a video (German).
The results of the study on "Innovative Privacy Consent Management", which was commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, can be downloaded here (German).