
TUM School of Management WorkshopConPolicy presentation on effectiveness and limitations of decision architectures for sustainable mobility behavior

From May 24 – 26, 2023, Prof. Christoph Ungemach (TUM School of Management) hosted a workshop on 'Facilitating environmental decisions using choice architecture: New lessons from the lab and field', which took place at the TUM campus in Heilbronn, Germany. The aim of the workshop was to integrate academic work and practical expertise on the topic of Choice Architecture. The international participants presented the latest findings and experiences from both theory and practice. The findings were discussed and contributed to the exchange of knowledge.

As part of the workshop, Marlene Münsch, project manager at ConPolicy, gave a presentation in the session 'Findings from the field' entitled 'Making changes in mobility behavior eas(ier): Complementary effects and limits of choice architecture'. In this talk, she presented the results of three field experiments in which changes to decision architectures were developed and implemented in a participatory manner with practice partners. The results show that the developed measures were effective as supplements to increase the use and acceptance of an already attractive basic offer but were not suitable for unattractive or complex contexts. Based on the results, it formulated recommendations for better integrating behavioral science findings into policy design.

The Mobitat project is currently funded by the BMBF's Research for Sustainability (FONA) strategy. More information about the project can be found here.
The Green Nudging project was funded by the National Climate Initiative. More information on the project can be found here.