In the last five years, the CDR-Initiative of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) has set a variety of impulses on how companies can get involved in the digital transformation to take the concerns of consumers into account (so-called Corporate Digital Responsibility). Therefore, it has implemented numerous activities with the participating companies. Following a successful launch phase, the CDR-Initiative is now entering the expansion phase. Since January 2023, this next important development step has been supported by an office jointly operated by the partners ConPolicy Institute and concern GmbH.
ConPolicy is looking forward to this new task. In the current year, the initiative's program includes the publication of a white paper on the topic of disinformation, the new edition of the CDR Impulse event series starting in May, a 'Digital Data Cleaning' campaign in September, and the CDR Conference in autumn.
Further information on the CDR Impulses and the opportunity to register for the compelling presentations can be found here.
The joint "Digital Data Cleaning" campaign is designed to inspire employees in companies and other organizations to tidy up their digital lives and to support them in doing so. The office of the CDR-Initiative offers support in the implementation and is looking forward to more participants. Further information on the campaign can be found here.
If you are interested in receiving regular updates on the activities of the CDR initiative, we invite you to subscribe to the newsletter or follow the office on LinkedIn.