
Borowski, S., P. Röthemeyer & J. SteikeConsumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG) – Introduction | comments | samples

Recommended reading

Sascha Borowski, Peter Röthemeyer & Jörn Steike

Release date:

Second edition, Nomos publishing, Baden-Baden

The new German Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG) raises numerous application problems of the model declaratory action in consulting practice. 

This second edition of the HK-VSBG

  • provides a comprehensive review of the new case law,
  • discusses the current new regulation of the Universal Conciliation Board, which, as a fallback institution, now also covers conciliation following a ruling or settlement in the sample determination procedure pursuant to Sections 606 et seq. ZPO,
  • deals with the newly included mandatory grounds for refusal in § 14 CDBG, and
  • provides custom-fit samples and explanations.

Lawyers, courts, consumer organisations and businesses, as well as consumer dispute resolution bodies receive tailored answers to urgent questions:

  • Which contracts are included, who can establish private dispute resolution bodies and how?
  • What are the rules of procedure, what are the procedural rules (taking of evidence, hearing, suspension of the statute of limitations, etc.), how can proceedings be rejected?
  • What specific formulations (duration of proceedings, costs) should be included in the conciliation proposal?

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