
SustainabilityConsumers see climate protection as an opportunity

Today, the Federation of German Consumer Organizations (vzbv) presented results of a consumer survey on climate protection. The vast majority of respondents consider measures for climate protection as provided by the German federal government as an opportunity.

For this representative survey, the market research institute Kantar TNS was commissioned to conduct telephone interviews with 1,005 German-speaking persons aged 14 and above on their view on climate protection in September 2019.

 These are further insights:

  • Overall, just under three-quarters of respondents considered climate protection measures as both economic and social opportunities for the future.

  • While 64 percent of respondents considered themselves willing to make a financial contribution to climate protection, 55 percent showed concern that they would be financially overburdened with rising prices.

  • 71 percent of respondents agreed to the ‘polluter pays’ principle in climate protection, i.e. that anyone who pays emits more CO2 also pays more respectively.

Klaus Müller, CEO of vzbv, said: "There are no zero-cost climate protection measures. Many consumers want to make a contribution to climate protection. However, the costs incurred must be fairly distributed and must not be passed on to consumers. Worries about excessive financial resources need to be taken seriously."

Source: vzbv

More information and about the survey