
DigitalizationConsumers want contactless payment

Bitkom published the results of a representative survey on the payment preferences of German consumers today. According to the results, three quarters of the respondents try to avoid cash payment as often as possible and would also like more contactless payment options.

For this survey, Bitkom Research, on behalf of the digital association Bitkom, interviewed a total of 1,003 people aged 16 and above in Germany by telephone regarding their shopping and payment behavior in April 2020.

Here are more details:

  • 75 percent of respondents said they would avoid cash payment as often as possible and another 71 percent said they wanted more opportunities to pay contactless.
  • A share of 76 percent of respondents aged between 16 and 29 years supported more options for contactless payment – and so did 72 percent of 30 to 49 year olds, 75 percent of 50 to 64 year olds as well as a majority of 62 percent among seniors aged 65 and above.
  • Different age groups expressed a similar reluctance to pay in cash due to the corona pandemic. 84 percent of 16 to 29 year olds, 76 percent of 30 to 49 year olds, 75 percent of 50 to 64 year olds and 68 percent of people aged 65 and above said that they currently avoid cash payments.

Achim Berg, Bitkom President, said: "There is hardly a behavioral pattern that has been changed as much by Corona as payment at the cash desk. Contactless payment by card or smartphone is not only hygienic, it is also fast and secure. All retailers, restaurants and cafés should make contactless payment available for their customers (...) There is a wide variety of payment methods, all of which have their justification. Customers should have the freedom to choose which payment option they want to use."

Source: Bitkom

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