
dena studyThe decentralized energy system in 2030

Recommended reading

Facts & figures:
Deutsche Energie-Agentur (publisher) (dena, 2023): Das dezentralisierte Energiesystem im Jahr 2030

The number of distributed generation units like photovoltaic (PV) or wind turbines, or distributed consumption units and stor- age capacities like electric vehicles (EV), heat pumps, and battery storages is rapidly growing. The systematic, market-oriented in- tegration of these distributed energy resources (DER) represents a promising opportunity for creating economic, social, and environmental benefits for citizens while reducing grid costs. This study evaluates how a systematic bottom-up market integration of DER through the implementation of local, regional, and national markets and time varying electricity tariffs can reduce electricity costs and climate-damaging emissions by optimizing the use of renewable energy, thereby contributing to energy security and quality of life in Germany.

View full executive summary on page 5f (study in GER only)