
Consumer behavior Eurobarometer: Europeans want green transition to speed up

The European Commission published its new Special Eurobarometer report on Climate Change today. According to the results, 93 percent of European consumers believed climate change was a serious problem facing the world and 58 percent agreed that the transition to a green economy should be sped up.
For this survey, between May and June of 2023 a total of 26,358 EU citizens from different social and demographic groups across all 27 EU Member States were interviewed face-to-face, either physically in people's homes or through remote video interaction.

These are further insights:

  • Nearly 88 percent of EU citizens said they support reducing greenhouse gas emissions to a minimum and offsetting the remaining emissions to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.
  • Similarly, about 87 percent believed it was important for the EU to set ambitious targets for increasing renewable energy use, and 85 percent thought that EU action to improve energy efficiency was crucial, such as promoting home insulation, solar panels, and electric cars.
  • A majority of 93 percent of respondents said they take individual climate action and make sustainable choices, but they also highlighted the need for reforms and point to the responsibility of national governments (56 percent), the EU (56 percent), and business/industry (53 percent) in tackling climate change.
  • Over one third of Europeans on average felt personally exposed to environmental and climate-related risks. In 7 Member States, over half of the citizens felt this way, with Southern European countries, Poland, and Hungary being the most prominent.
  • Additionally, 84 percent of Europeans prioritized tackling climate change and environmental issues for better public health, and 63 percent believed that preparing for climate change impacts can benefit EU citizens.

Source: EC

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