
Event of the Ministry for Family, Women, Culture and Integration Rhineland-PalatinateInvitation to the event: Consumer Protection at Noon – Banks and savings banks on the side of consumers? Do overdraft facilities lead into debt?

As part of the digital event series 'Consumer protection at noon' of the Ministry for Family, Women, Culture and Integration Rhineland-Palatinate with the support of ConPolicy, current consumer policy topics are discussed regularly. In the next event on Friday, July 14, from 12:00 to 13:00, experts will discuss the topic of 'overdraft facilities'.

Rising consumer prices are a burden on many households. More and more people are trying to compensate for this by taking out overdraft facilities and often end up in a debt trap. At the end of June, the consumer protection ministers and senators of the federal states therefore discussed the interest rates on overdraft facilities and the possibilities for improving consumer protection against overindebtedness.

Therefore, the event will discuss the following questions: Is the existing potential for preventing and managing overindebtedness – outside of the insolvency code – already being exploited? And if not, where and how should improvements be made? What is responsible lending? Can credit institutions counteract insolvency with an 'early warning system' or an advisory obligation?  

The virtual podium will feature Katharina Binz (Consumer Protection Minister Rhineland-Palatinate) with a keynote speech, Thomas Hirsch (Savings Banks Association Rhineland-Palatinate), Thomas Bieler (ING-DiBa), Ines Moers (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Schuldnerberatung e.V.) and Josephine Holzhäuser (Verbraucherzentrale Rheinland-Pfalz e.V.). The event will be moderated by ConPolicy managing director Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun.

You can register for the event here.