Today, Bitkom published the results of a representative survey on the attitude of seniors towards digitalization during the Corona pandemic. The results show that 40 percent of elderly consumers in Germany regard digitalization as something positive in times of the pandemic.
For this study, Bitkom Research on behalf of the digital association Bitkom, conducted telephone interviews with a total of 1,075 people in Germany aged above 65, including 522 Internet users, regarding their attitude towards digitalization and their Internet usage during the Corona pandemic.
These are further insights:
- 40 percent of consumers aged above 65 said they were more positive about digitalization against the background of the Corona pandemic – 23 percent, on the other hand, view digitalization more negatively than before.
- Another 34 percent of respondents said the pandemic and its consequences had no influence on their attitude towards digitalization.
- With 92 percent the clear majority of elderly Internet users was positively surprised by the opportunities of the Internet during the pandemic. 58 percent said that they managed the pandemic a lot better thanks to the Internet.
- In times of Corona, two out of five senior consumers maintained social ties with relatives and friends primarily over the Internet via messenger services, video calls or e-mail. One in eight senior respondents purchased new digital devices such as webcams, tablets or laptops during this time.
- One third of respondents said they wanted to use their newly acquired skills and knowledge about the Internet in the long-run as well.
Bernhard Rohleder, Bitkom CEO, noted: "The Internet can be of great benefit—especially for the elderly. For senior consumers, who are particularly at risk to COVID-19, digital technologies are crucial to keep in touch with family and friends. Many senior citizens took their first steps in the digital world during the Corona pandemic. And once you have gained access, you usually no longer want to do without digital media."
Source: Bitkom
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