
Project for the German Environmental AgencyNew ConPolicy project to develop a communication concept for international climate protection issues

With the Climate Protection Act, Germany has committed itself to significantly reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and to being emissions-neutral by 2045. However, the emission reduction rates achieved so far are not sufficient to meet these climate protection targets. In the efforts to reduce emissions, it is particularly important that the legal and financial policy efforts are well communicated so that they are better supported by the citizens. Communication measures should aim to inform citizens about the global consequences of climate change and international climate policy, to sharpen the public's global perspective, to ensure public acceptance of climate policy decisions or to activate citizens to take action.

Against this background, the German Environmental Agency has commissioned the consortium of ConPolicy,, co2online as well as Christopher Schrader and Dr. Mirjam Jenny to develop a communication concept for topics of (international) climate protection. This concept is intended to help UBA's communication measures reach the general public more effectively and to promote the societal acceptance of climate policy measures. In addition, approaches for a strategy to achieve the ACE for Germany are to be developed.

Further information on the project can be found here.