
New project on digitalization and sustainable consumption

Digitalization fundamentally transforms consumption and production patterns. So far, it is unclear what effects, or what opportunities and risks, digitalization will bring with it in order to promote sustainable consumption.

This project aims to systematically explore the implications of digitalization for a sustainable consumption policy and to implement practical examples of promoting sustainable consumption. For this purpose, the current state of research and the central social determinants of digitalization, which are also relevant starting points for the promotion of sustainable consumption, will be reviewed. In a workshop series, innovative ideas will be conceptually developed and implemented in collaboration with various stakeholders from civil society and practice. Finally, recommendations for further development of the National Program for Sustainable Consumption will be developed taking into account key digital trends.

ConPolicy works on this project in collaboration with the Institute for Ecological Economic Research (IÖW), Dr. Gerd Scholl and Prof. Dr. Tilman Santarius (TU Berlin).

Further information about the project can be found here.