
Consumer behaviorOnline shopping during the Corona pandemic

Today, Bitkom released the results of a representative survey on online shopping during the Corona pandemic. According to the results, around 20 percent of German consumers have made more online purchases since the coronavirus outbreak.

For this study, Bitkom Research, on behalf of the digital association Bitkom, conducted telephone interviews with a total of 1,003 people in Germany aged 16 and above regarding their current online shopping behavior.

Here are further details:

  • Since the outbreak of the corona pandemic and its related public restrictions, one in five respondent stated that they ordered more online than before.

  • However, another 29 percent of consumers said they ordered less online and 27 percent said they ordered just as much as prior to the pandemic.

  • For more than half of German consumers (55 percent), online retail took a key supply function during the corona pandemic.

  • Two thirds of respondents said that they shopped primarily at regional retailers to support them and maintain loyalty. Another 65 percent would like more retailers in their region to offer online shopping.

Bernhard Rohleder, Bitkom CEO, commented: "Almost every internet user (94 percent) aged 16 and above orders goods on the internet. As a result, a general slowdown in consumption also affects individual areas of online retail in the short term. Many large and small retailers had to find answers to the Corona crisis quickly, both online and offline. Those retailers who have a digital offer for their customers will definitely get through the crisis better."

Source: Bitkom

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