Today, the German consumer research organization 'Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung' (GfK) published current study results on purchasing behavior for organic products in German households. The results indicate that the demand for organic groceries and beverages continues to grow.
Based on the GfK Consumer Panel, which continuously and representatively records all purchases of Fast Moving Consumer Goods of around 30,000 German private households, this study analyzes in particular the market for organic products in Germany for the year 2019.
These are more details:
With over 96 percent, almost every German household bought an organic product at least once in 2019. Compared to the previous year, the frequency (by eight percent) and the quantity (by four percent) of organic products being purchased increased.
28 percent of consumers regularly prefer the organic alternative when shopping for groceries.
Around one fifth can be described as 'uncompromising organic shoppers': They spend every seventh euro for organic products and are most frequently found in the southern federal states and in Berlin.
Considering the German households' total expenditures on groceries and beverages, the share of organic products has almost doubled over the past ten years from 3.2 percent in 2009 to six percent in 2019.
In relation to the total purchasing volume, the share of organic products is largest for eggs (just under 15 percent), followed by milk and dairy products such as yogurt and cream (just under ten percent) and fruit and vegetables (about seven percent).
Source: GfK
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