
SustainabilityPrice more important than energy efficiency when buying digital devices

Today, the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) published new data on the purchasing criteria when buying digital devices from the information and communications technology (ICT) sector. For just under two thirds of consumers, price is the most important criterion when buying smartphones, tablets, laptops, or computers, while energy efficiency was decisive for one fifth.
These results stem from the micro-census on the use of information and communication technologies in private households. In the first quarter of 2022, people aged 16 to 74 were surveyed for the first time about the criteria for their last purchase of a digital device.

These are further details:

  • For 64 percent of Internet users, price was the most important criterion when buying smartphones, tablets, laptops or desktop computers, and technical aspects such as storage capacity or device speed were significant for 49 percent. Energy efficiency, on the other hand, was a decisive factor for only 20 percent of consumers.
  • Other purchasing criteria included the so-called eco-design of the device, i.e. whether it is a durable, upgradeable, repairable and material-saving design and uses environmentally friendly packaging materials, or the possibility of being able to conclude an additional warranty contract (9 percent each). A free take-back offer for old devices or a discount on the purchase of a new appliance were important to 5 percent of consumers.

Source: Destatis

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