
Brauer, J. et al.Prosumption models and their sustainability potentials using the example of nutrition and clothing: Recommendations for consumer policy to promote sustainable prosumeration

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Jana Brauer, Alexandra Büttgen, Pauline Overath, Imke Schmidt & Lynn Wagner

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Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP) & Wuppertal Institute for climate, environment and energy

A growing part of society increasingly desires trustworthiness and individuality in their consumption. Two aspects that the mass market falls short of from a consumer's perspective. The concept of "prosumers", driven by civil society initiatives such as urban communal gardens, foodsharing or repair cafes, offers the opportunity for the participation and empowerment of consumers, who are no longer simply consumers but become prosumers.

These recommendations for action are directed primarily at consumer policy, but they also affect a number of other areas, such as education and transport. Its goal is to demonstrate the range of prosumption forms in the fields of nutrition and clothing for consumer policy and to present an overview. At the same time, selected models will be dealt with in further detail, specifically on the current practical hurdles as well as the possibilities of overcoming them and promoting sustainable prosumeration. Finally, a short guide to assessing the sustainability potential of prosumption models has been developed to guide consumer policy in evaluating new prosumption initiatives, which currently spread rapidly and continuously create new forms.

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