
German Federal Cartel OfficeSector inquiry into online advertising – Discussion report

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German Federal Cartel Office

Release date:
August 2022

Federal Cartel Office, Az. B6-25/18

This document is designed as a discussion report in the context of the sector inquiry of the German Federal Cartel Office into online advertising. Through a large number of interviews and written surveys as well as by analyzing publications, the Federal Cartel Office has gained in-depth insights into the competitive situation in the field of so-called non-search-based online advertising and, in particular, in the field of advertising technology (AdTech), which is the focus of the investigation. This discussion report first presents the results of the comprehensive investigations and then provides an outlook on current and possible developments in the markets concerned from a competitive point of view. From this, the Federal Cartel Office derives a whole series of conclusions for the further shaping of the legal framework of these markets from a competition perspective.

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