
German Federal Cartel OfficeSector inquiry into the provision and marketing of publicly accessible charging infrastructure for electric vehicles

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German Federal Cartel Office

Release date:
October 2021

German Federal Cartel Office, sector inquiry charging infrastructure, status report Az. B8-28/20

In the view of the German Federal Cartel Office, functioning competition offers the best guarantee for a consumer-friendly and inexpensive supply of charging power to users of electric vehicles (e-vehicles) via a publicly accessible charging infrastructure. The German government also wants the provision of charging infrastructure to be market-based and competitive. The aim of the sector inquiry is to identify structural competition problems at this early market stage of charging infrastructure deployment that could stand in the way of this goal.

With this progress report, the Federal Cartel Office would like to contribute its preliminary findings from the sector inquiry to date to the public debate. Market participants and stakeholders can thus be given an early insight into the Cartel Office's antitrust considerations and preliminary assessments. The evaluation of the extensive information gathered so far has not yet been completed. Final statements and assessments must therefore be reserved for the still outstanding final report of the sector inquiry. In the further course of the sector inquiry, the Federal Cartel Office will also enter into an exchange with selected associations and institutions on the contents of this status report.

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