
German Federal Cartel OfficeSector survey on smart TVs reveals deficits in consumer protection

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‪German Federal Cartel Office

Release date:
December 2020

Federal Cartel Office, Department for competition and consumer protection, from the series:  "Competition and consumer protection in the digital economy"

Smart TVs have become standard equipment in German TV households over the recent years. After increasing reports of possible violations of consumer law with regard to data processing by smart TVs, the Federal Cartel Office initiated a sector investigation at the end of 2017. The results were published in a final report on July 1, 2020. The investigations related to around 20 providers who sell smart TVs under their own brands in Germany. This contribution to the publication series "Competition and consumer protection in the digital economy" summarizes the findings that were gained in the course of company surveys and, based on this, outlines consumer law problem areas.

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