
MobilityShare of short-haul flights remains almost unchanged in 2020 despite decline in total flights during pandemic

Today, the Federal Statistical Office of Germany (Destatis) published new figures on passenger flights in Germany for the year of 2020. Despite a sharp decline in overall passenger flights due to Corona-related mobility restrictions, the share of short-haul flights remained almost unchanged compared to the previous year.

These are further details:

  • In 2020, there was an unprecedented 66 percent decline in passenger numbers in Germany due to the Corona pandemic. While around 1.74 million passenger flights were recorded in 2019, these numbers decreased to merely 596,000 after the outbreak of the pandemic.
  • Nevertheless, the share of short-haul flights with up to 1,000 kilometers travel distance remains almost stable at just over half of all flights (53 percent) compared to 2019 (54 percent).
  • Flights to or from nearby destinations abroad account for the majority of the total of 313,000 short-haul flights – both before the outbreak of the pandemic in 2019 (74 percent) and after (73 percent).
  • In 2020, one in seven passenger flights was a domestic flight (85,000 total) – this proportion also remained unchanged compared to the previous year. 48 percent of these domestic flights were for distances between 400 and 500 kilometers.
  • According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), passenger flights in Germany caused total CO2 emissions of 9.75 million metric tons in 2020. With a proportionate 740,000 tons, domestic flights were responsible for eight percent of these emissions.

Source: Destatis

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