During today’s symposium on consumer education, the Federation of German Consumer Organizations (vzbv) presented its most recent survey results on the consumer topics in the school system. For this representative survey and on behalf of the vzbv, the polling institute TNS Emnid interviewed 1,011 consumers above the age of 18. These are the central results:
- 70 percent of consumers longed for more true-to-life classes in school and found that students were taught inadequately about consumer topics.
- The vast majority of 92 percent of respondents wanted more targeted school lessons on how to handle money and insurances, 95 percent on the aspects of nutrition and health.
- The issue of environmental protection is of great importance for many consumers: 93 percent of respondents considered classes on conservation and Fair Trade as essential.
Against this backdrop, the vzbv’s policy recommendation includes the mandatory integration of consumer education in existing curricula as well as an end to the cooperation ban between the federal and state level regarding consumer-relevant teaching content. Vera Fricke, education expert at vzbv, commented on this: "The world of consumption in which we live becomes more and more complex. For either browsing online or when grabbing a quick bite at the cafeteria – children and young people have to know what to look out for in every day life. School should enable children and young people to proficiently operate in this world. We can only achieve this by making consumer education a mandatory and examination-relevant part of the curricula. It is not about increasing the burden on schools and teaching staff, but rather about integrating consumer topics into everyday school life of students."
Source: German Federation of Consumer Organizations
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