Today, the European Commission presented its Green Deal, which includes actions to tackle climate change and to make Europe climate neutral by 2050. Among other initiatives, the deal includes an action plan to promote a more circular economy with more sustainable products supplementing the new industrial policy strategy.
More details for consumers:
Following the guidelines of sustainability and a circular economy, consumer products will be designed to be repairable, durable, recycled and to use less energy. This can help consumers to reduce further costs over the life cycle of a purchased product.
Consumers will benefit from additional and more accurate consumer information that allows them to make better-informed decisions. This will contribute to a successful transition to cleaner products and a healthier environment.
Further actions to reduce energy consumption and hence consumers’ energy bills include the renovation of buildings as well as improving private energy use.
Monique Goyens, Director General from BEUC, noted: “All consumers can play a role in preventing our planet from collapsing. But this means that the EU needs to propose policies that support them make the switch to a sustainable lifestyle. Through real alternatives to fossil fuel cars, by changing food production and consumption so it is more in line with our planet’s resources, or by making it easier to retrofit our homes, the EU can make a huge difference for consumers. But it will require courage to address flaws in the way the building, finance, transport and food sectors currently work. The EU needs to have all households in mind when devising its measures to fight climate change, especially the less affluent ones. Policies to support low-carbon driving or better insulating homes need to be affordable for everyone.”
Source: EC & BEUC
More information and BEUC statement