Mobility in Germany is still heavily dominated by private motorized transport. This is associated with considerable negative environmental impacts. With regard to possible political instruments and measures, it is clear that environmental relief cannot be achieved through technical advances and infrastructure measures alone, and that measures such as information and image campaigns are also insufficient for the necessary mobility turnaround. This results in a need for alternative instruments to motivate people to adopt more sustainable mobility behavior.
Against this background, the German Environment Agency commissioned ConPolicy together with the German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu) and Dreidreizehn (313) to conduct this research project. The project aims to obtain a systematic overview of the state of research as well as good examples of financial and immaterial incentives and their impact on mobility behavior, and to investigate implementation options and framework conditions. In this context, it will also be examined which user groups can be particularly well reached by these incentives. The results will also be disseminated among city networks and European and international exchange will be promoted. As a result, the project and the various dissemination approaches will contribute to expanding the range of political instruments for promoting sustainable mobility behavior by this type of measures.
ConPolicy is responsible for the following work steps in this project:
- State of research: In the first work step, a systematic literature review will be conducted to gain an overview of the state of research on financial and non-material incentives and their mode of action to promote sustainable mobility.
- International examples: In the second step, a literature review will be conducted to identify and analyze good examples of already applied incentive measures.
- Expert interviews: Guideline-based interviews with experts will be conducted in order to substantiate the framework conditions in the implementation of successful incentive measures.
In addition, ConPolicy is involved in the communication of the results in order to disseminate the findings in a way that is appropriate for the target group. ConPolicy is also involved in a workshop to discuss the results and formulate policy recommendations. The results of the research project will be presented at a specialist event at the end of the project and published in a specialist brochure and a final scientific report.