ConPolicy has been commissioned by the Federation of German Consumer Organizations (vzbv) to evaluate the methods used in the project 'Verbraucher stärken im Quartier'.
The project 'Verbraucher stärken im Quartier' aimed to support vulnerable consumer groups through outreach consumer work. Vulnerable consumer groups include people who have difficulty navigating certain markets due to age, education, income, or other sociodemographic factors. They are particularly vulnerable because they lack self-help potential, have little information about legal options and no knowledge of help and support structures. In addition, they sometimes face language barriers.
The project brought assistance directly to the people in their neighborhoods, including, for example, regular, low-threshold consumer information on various topics as well as personal assistance.
The evaluation of the project by ConPolicy was set to provide insights into the extent to which the methods and activities used meet the support needs of the target groups. On this basis, conclusions were to be derived for the further development and optimization of future project procedures and follow-up projects in outreach consumer work.
To implement the project, ConPolicy combined document analysis with online interviews, on-site discussions, and a quantitative survey.
You can download the project's final evaluation report here.
+49 (0)30 2359116-19
Dr. Viola Muster Fellow
030 / 2359116-0
Prof. Dr. Christian Thorun Managing Director
+49 (0)30 2359116-11