
Complete list of publications

  • Hamann, K. R. S. et al. (2024). How Can Psychological Research Support Movements for Socio-Ecological Change? A Qualitative Study on Psychological Challenges and Questions of Activists, Global Environmental Psychology.
  • Hamann, K., Blumenschein, P., Junge, E., Dasch, S., Wernke, A., & Bleh, J. (2024). Klimabewegt – die Psychologie von Klimaprotest und Engagement. oekom Verlag.
  • Henke, L. et al. (2024). Future hot spots of the CDR Initiative. In Brink, A. (ed.) Corporate Digital Responsibility. People-centered digitalization.
  • Dasch, S. T., Bellm, M., Shuman, E., & Van Zomeren, M. (2024). The radical flank: Curse or blessing of a social movement? Global Environmental Psychology.
  • Kettner, S.E. (2024). Digital responsibility – an HR issue – but it is not just an HR issue. In Brink, A. (ed.) Corporate Digital Responsibility. People-centered digitalization.
  • Kettner, S.E. & Thorun, C. (2024). People at the center of digitalization – results of a representative online survey on people-centeredness. In Brink, A. (ed.) Corporate Digital Responsibility. People-centered digitalization.
  • Kettner, S.E. & Thorun, C. (2024). Survey to assess the opportunities and risks of using AI in the population. CDR survey. #cdrk24
  • Münsch, M., Kettner, S.E. & Thorun, C. (2024). Einstellungen und Engagement von Verbraucher*innen in der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation. Vertiefungsstudie zur Umweltbewusstseinsstudie 2022. In: Texte | 97/2024. Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau.
  • Muster, V., & Münsch, M. (2024). The Paradox of Minimalism in the Field of Lifestyle Products. Uncovering How the Minimalism Business Impedes Sufficiency. In: Gossen, M. & Niessen, L. (Ed.). Sufficiency in Business. Transcript.
  • Münsch, M., Diels, J., Gossen, M., Bergener, J., & Kettner, S. E. (2024). Unused Potentials for effective sustainability communication. zfwu Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts-und Unternehmensethik, 25(1), 113-148.
  • Bringmann, E., & Horstmann, K. T. (2024). German Translation of the Revised Physical Self-Perception Profile Competence (PSPP-R Competence). Psychological Test Adaptation and Development.
  • Schrader, C., Thorun, C., Diels, J., Münsch, M., Mohn, C. & Jenny, M.A. (2024). Efficient approaches in climate communication. In: Climate Change | 16/2024. Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau.
  • Nobis, C. & Lell, O. (2024). Rethinking mobility: Sustainable mobility through behavioral change.
  • Thorun, C., Kettner, S.E., Lell, O., Münsch, M., Diels, J. et al. (2024). Better information for more sustainability in ecommerce. Online Guide.
  • Kettner, S.E. et al. (2024). Survey on the perception and evaluation of potentially unfair practices in the digital space. Fact sheet created on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
  • Grothmann, T., Frick, V., Ruppel, P., Münsch, M. Kettner, S.E. & Thorun, C. (2024). Umweltbewusstseinsstudie 2022 - Vertiefende Analysen der repräsentativen Hauptbefragung. In: Texte | 08/2024. Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau.
  • Münsch, M. & Lell, O. (2024). Anreize zur Förderung eines nachhaltigen Mobilitätsverhaltens. In: Texte | 03/2024. Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau.
  • Thorun, C. (2023). Consumer policy classification and analysis of the data economy. In: Reiffenstein, M., Blaschek, B. (ed) Konsumentenpolitisches Jahrbuch 2023, Verlag Österreich.
  • Rauber, J., Münsch, M. & Vetter, M. (2023). Nudging – Förderung von nachhaltigem und gesundem Verhalten durch 
kleine Änderungen. Scherenberg, V., & Pundt, J. (Hrsg.), Klima-und Gesundheitsschutz: Planetary-Health-Lösungsansätze (Vol. 10).
  • Cerulli-Harms, A., Herrmann, L., Kettner, S. E., Münsch, M. & Rauber, J. (2023) Punctual, cheap, fast - and the climate? On the requirements for commuter mobility today and in the future: Publication in "Internationales Verkehrswesen"
  • Hamann, K. R. S., Masson, T., Fritsche, I., Jans, L., Dasch, S., & Von Der Kaus, K. (2023). Energy community set-ups, energy visions and collective agency as predictors of energy citizenship and pro-environmental spillover (Report).
  • Cerulli-Harms, A., Lang, V. & Rauber, J. (2023). "Another mail..." - How attention can be generated and behavioral changes achieved (and where the limits are). Institute of Transportation at the University of Kassel.
  • Cerulli-Harms, A. et al. (2023). The performance of the Package Travel Directive and broader consumer protection issues in the implementation of passenger rights. Study requested by the IMCO Committee
  • Grothmann, T., Frick, V., Harnisch, R., Münsch, M., Kettner, S.E. & Thorun, C. (2023). Umweltbewusstsein in Deutschland 2022. Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage. BMUV & UBA
  • Muster, V., Wagner, M. & Fischer, C. (2023). Handlungsempfehlungen zur Weiterentwicklung des Kompetenzzentrums Nachhaltiger Konsum. Umweltbundesamt (UBA), texts | 69/2023
  • Gossen, M. & Lell, O. (2023). Sustainable consumption in the digital age. A plea for a systemic policy approach to turn risks into opportunities. GAIA 32/S1 (2023): 71 – 76.
  • Kettner, S.E. & Thorun, C. (2023). Survey on power structures in the digital space. Fact sheet commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection.
  • Kettner, S.E. & Lell, O. (2023). Consumer Safety Knowledge and Behavior in the Digital Space. Study commissioned by DIN VR.
  • Gossen, M., Frick, V., Lell, O. & Scholl, G. (2022). Politik für nachhaltigen Konsum in der digitalen Welt; Policy Paper im Auftrag des Umweltbundesamtes.
  • Münsch, M., Muster, V. & Iran, S. (2022). (Nicht) meine Dinge – Konzepte und Praxis-Methoden zur Besitzbegrenzung und -reduktion, 1. Arbeitspapier im Rahmen des Projektes „MeinDing!“ – Ich bin, was ich nicht habe.
  • Muster, V. & Schrader, U.(2021). Nachhaltiger Konsum und Digitalisierung: Empfehlungen für die Verbraucherbildung. HiBiFo – Haushalt in Bildung & Forschung, (1), 112-126.
  • Michaelsen, F. et al. (2022). Study to identify initiatives to provide local advice to consumers. Report for Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers (DG JUST)
  • Lell, O. & Thorun, C. (2022). Jahresabrechnungen von Wohnungseigentümergemeinschaften. Studie im Auftrag des DIN Verbraucherrats.
  • Rauber, J., Lell, O. & Muster, V. (2022). Less traffic, more quality of life – Guidelines for communicating sufficiency as a goal of municipal transport policy. Publication on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency
  • Muster, V., Iran, S. & Münsch, M. (2022). The cultural practice of decluttering as household work and its potentials for sustainable consumption. Frontiers in Sustainability.
  • Diels, J., Münsch, M. & Thorun, C. (2022). Jugend und Konsum II: Beteiligungsformate für nachhaltigen Konsum. Umweltbundesamt, Texte | 79/2022.
  • Binder, F. et al. (2022). Putting users in the loop: How user research can guide AI development for a consumer-oriented self-service portal. In: Rauterberg, M. (ed) Culture and Computing. HCII 2022. Vol 13324, Springer.
  • Gossen, M., Frick, V. & Kettner, S.E. (2022). Digital marketing strategies and their influence on sustainable consumption. UBA-Texte 41/2022.
  • Frick, V., Gossen, M. & Kettner, S. E. (2022): Does online advertising stimulate overconsumption? Ökologisches Wirtschaften, Bd. 37 Nr. 1.
  • Michaelsen et al. (2022): The impact of influencers on advertising and consumer protection in the Single Market. Study requested by the IMCO committee. European Parliament.
  • Cerulli-Harms, A., Thorun, C. (2021): Expert opinion on PSD2 implementation in Germany – Project on account information and payment initiation services. Expert opinion on behalf of Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband e.V.
  • Thorun, C., Cerulli-Harms, A., Micklitz, H. -W., Reisch, L. A. (2021) Nudge 2.0 – New applications of behavioral science findings in consumer policy. Study on behalf of the MLR Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart
  • Lell, O., Kettner, S. E., Thorun, C. & Bendig, T. (2021). Verbraucherschutz digital neu denken: Consumer Protection Technologies – Politische Relevanz, Potential und Handlungsbedarf.
  • Lell, O. & Kettner, S. E. (2021). Kurzgutachten zu Amazon Alexa. Eine exemplarische Untersuchung zu den Einsatzmöglichkeiten von digitalen Sprachassistenten für Voice Commerce und IoT-Steuerung und zu den Auswirkungen auf Verbraucherinteressen und Wettb
  • Lell, O. & Thorun, C. (2021). Organisation des Verbraucherschutzes in ausgewählten europäischen Ländern. Studie im Auftrag des Österreichischen Bundesministeriums für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz.
  • Boykin, C. M. et al. (2021). Opportunities for a More Interdisciplinary Approach to Measuring Perceptions of Fairness in Machine Learning. Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization, 1–9.
  • Kettner, S. E. & Thorun, C. (2021): Online-Gaming – Overview on data and facts from Germany. Factsheet commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection.
  • Natraj, A. et al. (2021): Behavioral study on strategies to improve the effectiveness of product recalls. Final report. European Commission – DG JUST.
  • Suter, J. et al. (2021): Consumers' engagement in the circular economy: Results from a large-scale behavioral experiment and survey in the EU. In Nissen, N. F. & Jaeger-Erben, M. (Ed.), PLATE – Product lifetimes and the environment (pp. 769–776).
  • Kettner, S. E. & Thorun. C. (2021): Corporate Digital Responsibility – Results from a representative consumer survey. Factsheet commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection.
  • Kettner, S. E. & Thorun, C. (2021): IoT for Consumers within the Smart Home. In Leupold, A., Wiebe, A. & Glossner, S. (Ed.), IT-Recht – Recht, Wirtschaft und Technik der digitalen Transformation (4th ed., pp. 1152–1162).
  • Kettner, S. E. & Thorun, C. (2020): Consumers' usage and experiences with social media and messenger-services – Results of an online-representative survey. Factsheet commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection.
  • Bauer, J.; Bietz, S.; Rauber, J.; Reisch, L. A. (2021): Nudging healthier food choices in a cafeteria setting: A sequential multi-intervention field study. Appetite, Volume 160, 1 May 2021, 105106
  • Muster, V., Fischer, C. & Projektteam „Nachhaltigen Konsum weiterdenken“ (2020). Nationales Programm für nachhaltigen Konsum weiterentwickeln und umsetzen, Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 33 (4), 12–13.
  • VVA, Ecorys & ConPolicy (2020): Impact assessment study on fragrance labelling on cosmetic products. Final report for European Commission (DG GROW)
  • Lell, O.; Muster, V.; Thorun, C. (2020), Förderung des nachhaltigen Konsums durch digitale Produktinformationen: Bestandsaufnahme und Handlungsempfehlungen. UBA texts 212/2020
  • Muster, V.; Wolff, F.; Kampffmeyer, N.; Grießhammer, R.; Fischer, C.; Thorun, C.; Schrader, U.; Reisch, L. A. (2020): Evaluation of the National Program for Sustainable Consumption, TEXTS 210/2020, Federal Environmental Agency (UBA)
  • Wolff, F.; Fischer, C.; Brunn, C.; Grießhammer, R.; Muster, V.; Reisch, L. A.; Schrader, U.; Thorun, C. (2020): Recommendations for action for the further development of the National Programme for Sustainable Consumption – Part 2, TEXTS 209/2020, UBA
  • Muster, V.; Fischer, C.; Wolff, F.; Grießhammer, R.; Reisch, L. A.; Schrader, U.; Thorun, C. (2020): Recommendations for action for the further development of the national program for sustainable consumption – Part 1, TEXTS 208/2020, UBA
  • Thorun, C. & Kettner, S.E. (2020). Corporate Digital Responsibility – Data Responsibility?. In Bertelsmann Stiftung, Wittenberg-Zentrum für Globale Ethik (Ed.), Unternehmensverantwortung im digitalen Wandel (1st ed., pp. 176-182).
  • Reisch, L. A.; Fischer, C.; Grießhammer, R.; Muster, V.; Schrader, U.; Thorun, C.; Wolff, F. (2020): Sustainable Consumption Now! The German National Program for Sustainable Consumption on the Test Bed.
  • Kettner, S.E., Thorun, C. & Spindler, G. (2020). Innovative Privacy Consent Management. Final Report. Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection.
  • Fischer, C.; Muster, V. (2019): Internalization of external costs: the perspective of those affected. Two case studies in the fields of repair and renovation, from research project "Thinking ahead about sustainable consumption", Öko-Institut e.V.
  • Cerulli-Harms, A., Münsch, M., Thorun, C., Michaelsen F. & Hausemer, P. (2020). Loot boxes in online games and their effect on consumers, in particular young consumers, Study for the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO), Policy
  • Kettner, S.E., Münsch, M. & Thorun, C. (2020) Möglichkeiten des Einsatzes von Nudging im Strahlenschutz am Beispiel UV-Schutz. Ressortforschungsberichte zum Strahlenschutz ; 161/20. Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS).
  • Blind, K., Lorenz, A., Rauber, J., (2020). Drivers for Companies' Entry Into Standard-Setting Organizations. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Volume: 68, Issue: 1, Feb. 2021
  • Rzepecka, J. et al. (2020). Economic aspects of geographical indication protection at EU level for non-agricultural products in the EU. Final report. European Commission – DG GROW.
  • Goeschl, T., Kettner, S.E., Lohse, J. & Schwieren, C. (2020). How much can we learn about voluntary climate action from behavior in public goods games? Ecological Economics, Volume 17.
  • Kettner, S.E. & Thorun, C. (2019) Consumer Study 2019: How to reach consumers in the age of digitalization. Final Report.
  • Kettner, S.E., Thorun, C. (2019). DATENSCHUTZscanner – Mehr Transparenz und Kontrolle beim Datenschutz in Smartphone-Apps, in: Reisch, L.A., Thorun, C., Micklitz, H-W. (2019) Verbraucherforschungsforum „Künstliche Intelligenz und Verbraucherpolitik:
  • Thorun, C., Kettner, S.E. (2019). Verbraucherinformatik als neues Instrument der Verbraucherpolitik, in: Reisch, L.A., Thorun, C., Micklitz, H-W. (2019) Verbraucherforschungsforum „Künstliche Intelligenz und Verbraucherpolitik: Chancen der Verbraucheri
  • Frick, V., Gossen, M.; unter Mitarbeit von: Lautermann, C.; Muster, V.; Kettner, S.; Thorun, C.; Santarius, T. (2019): Digitization of markets and lifestyles: New challenges for sustainable consumption, TEXTS (124/2019), Federal Environmental Agency UBA
  • Philipps, R., Thorun, C., Rauber, J. & Kettner, S.E. (2019). Position paper – Security, self-determination, fairness and inclusion: Policy recommendations for consumer policy in an era of digital change. FES WISO Diskurs.
  • Taube, O. & Vetter, M. (2019). How green defaults promote environmentally friendly decisions: attitude-conditional default acceptance but attitude-unconditional effects on actual choices. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 49, 721-732.
  • Thorun, C. & Diels, J. (2019). Consumer protection technologies: An investigation into the potentials of new digital technologies for consumer policy. In: Journal of Consumer Policy.
  • Suter, J. et al. (2019). Behvioural study on the digitalisation of the marketing and distance selling of retail financial services. Final report. European Commission – DG JUST.
  • Kettner, S.E. et al. (2019). Privacy Guard - Final Report.
  • Cerulli-Harms, A., L. Goette & C. Sprenger (2019). Randomizing endowments: An experimental study of rational expectations and reference-dependent preferences. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics.
  • Cerulli-Harms, A. (2019): Future options for managing customer demand for water. A White Paper commissioned by Yorkshire Water.
  • Goeschl, T., Kettner, S.E., Lohse, J., & Schwieren, C. (2018). From Social Information to Social Norms: Evidence from Two Experiments on Donation Behaviour. Games, 9(4), 91.
  • Thorun, C., Kettner, S. E. & Merck, J. (2018). Digital Ethics - The need for a Corporate Digital Responsibility. FES WISO Direkt.
  • Nyenhuis, M., Grundei, J. & Thorun, C. (2018): Organizational anchoring of public affairs within companies. Zeitschrift für Politikberatung (ZPB), 2–3/2016 (8), pp. 91–104.
  • Münsch, M. L. (2018). When climate is conditional on cooperation success: The role of interdependence asymmetry and inequity aversion. Leiden: Leiden University Library.
  • Kenning, P., Thorun, C. & Meißner L. (2018). Der Markt für “gute Arbeit” – eine empirische Analyse. Wirtschaftsdienst, 98. Jg, H. 6, pp. 428–432.
  • Rauber, J., Thorun, C., Schönduwe, R., Bock, B. & Schelewsky, M. (2018). Digital Transformation – Big Data in public transportation
  • Kettner, S.E., Kleinhans, J.-P. & Thorun, C. (2018). Big data and smart living: Status quo and development trends. Report for the project ABIDA (Assessing Big Data)
  • Thorun, C. & Vetter, M. (2018). Transparente Informationsdarstellung in der Werbung für Verbraucherkredite: Herausforderungen, Ländervergleich und Handlungsempfehlungen.
  • Taube, O., Kibbe, A., Vetter, M., Adler, M., & Kaiser, F. (2018). Applying the Campbell Paradigm to sustainable travel behavior: Compensatory effects of env. attitude and the transportation environment. Transportation Research F: Psych. & Beh., 56.
  • Kettner, S.E., Thorun, C. & Vetter, M. (2018). Better informed? Results from behavioral science on the effectiveness of the privacy-one-pager approach and further solutions for data protection
  • Rauber, J., Bietz, S. & Reisch, L.A. (2018). Einsatzmöglichkeiten von verhaltensbasierten Maßnahmen („Nudges“) zur Förderung nachhaltigen Verhaltens im kommunalen Kontext. Zeppelin Universität Friedrichshafen
  • Loibl, C., Sunstein, C.R., Rauber, J., Reisch, L.A. (2018). Which Europeans like nudges? Approval and controversy in four European countries. Journal of Consumer Affairs.
  • Cerulli-Harms, A. et al. (2018): Consumer market study on the functioning of the real estate services for consumers in the European Union, prepared for the European Commission (DG JUST).
  • Cerulli-Harms, A. et al. (2018). Behavioral study on consumers' engagement in the circular economy. Final report. European Commission – DG JUST.
  • Cerulli-Harms, A. et al. (2018). Asset Management Market Study – Experimental consumer research and focus groups, prepared for the UK Financial Conduct Authority.
  • Cerulli-Harms, A., J. Suter & A. Castagnetti (2018). Reducing roadside litter using randomized controlled trials prepared for the UK Department for Transport.
  • Thorun, C. (2018). Corporate Digital Responsibility: Unternehmerische Verantwortung in der digitalen Welt. In. Gärtner, C. & Heinrich, C. Fallstudien zur Digitalen Transformation (pp. 173–191). Springer Gabler.
  • Vetter, M. & Thorun, C. (2017). Verbraucherberatung im Quartier - Evaluationsbericht.
  • Voigt, M., Thorun, C. & Sinemus, K. (2017). Digital. Communal. German: Smart Nation via Smart Regions.
  • Blind, K., Großmann, A., Müller, J., Rauber, J. (2014). Significance and extent of standardization: Results from the German standardization panel. DIN Mitteilungen, 7, p. 19–21
  • Sunstein, C.R., Reisch, L.A., & Rauber, J. (2017). A world-wide consensus on Nudging? Not quite, but almost. Regulation & Government.
  • Thorun, C., Zimmer, A., & Spindler, G. (2017). Zugang zu unabhängigen Energiepreisvergleichen ermöglichen – Ist ein Referenzportal die Lösung? Bestandsaufnahme und Handlungsempfehlungen.
  • Thorun, C., Vetter, M., Reisch, L., & Zimmer, A. (2017). Indicators of consumer protection and empowerment in the digital world: Results and recommendations of a feasibility study.
  • Cerulli-Harms, A. et al. (2017). Study on consumers' decision-making in insurance services: A behavioral economics perspective prepared for the European Commission (DG JUST).
  • Cerulli-Harms, A. (2017). Generation internship: The impact of internships on early labour market performance, IZA Discussion Paper No. 11163.
  • Cerulli-Harms, A., G. Conlon & M. Lane (2017). Review of the employer skills and employer perspectives surveys – A synthesis of stakeholder views, prepared for the UK Department for Education.
  • Thorun, C., & Vetter, M. (2016). Rental control legislation: Knowledge, practical impediments and fears of tenants. Study commissioned by BMJV.
  • Thorun, C. et al. (2016). Nudges and sustainable consumption: Determining and developing interventions to nudge sustainable consumption patterns
  • Kettner, S. E., & I. Waichman (2016). Old age and prosocial behavior: Social preferences or experimental confounds? Journal of Economic Psychology, 53, 118-130.
  • Vetter, M. (2016). Possibilities, boundaries, and consequences of choice architecture: The case of green defaults and environmental attitudes. Heidelberg: Universitätsbibliothek.
  • Staub-Kaminski, I., A. Zimmer, M. Jakob & R. Marschinski (2014). Climate policy in practice: A typology of obstacles and implications for integrated assessment modeling. Climate Change Economics, 5(1).
  • Münsch, M. L. (2016). Spreading behavior across people: The effects of costly signals and internal attribution on green consumer behavior. Groningen: University of Groningen Library.
  • Spindler, G. & Thorun, C. (2016). Die Rolle der Ko-Regulierung in der Informationsgesellschaft. Handlungsempfehlungen für eine digitale Ordnungspolitik. In: MMR – Multimedia und Recht, 6(19), pp. 1–28.
  • Rauber, J. & Reisch, L. (2016). Nudges statt immer mehr Regeln – Geht Regulierung auch anders. Wir Familienunternehmer.
  • Spindler, G. & Thorun, C. (2016). Analyse und Bewertung von CETA aus verbraucherpolitischer Perspektive. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
  • Vetter, M. & Kutzner, F. (2016). Nudge me if you can - how defaults and attitude strength interact to change behavior. Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology, 1, 8-34.
  • Münscher, R., Vetter, M., & Scheuerle, T. (2016). A review and taxonomy of choice architecture techniques. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 29, 511-524.
  • Cerulli-Harms, A., M. Immanuel, S. Jones & I. Mantovani (2016). Reducing costs and barriers for businesses in the Single Market, European Parliament DG for Internal Policies.
  • Diels, J. L., & Müller, H. (2016). Reversing the similarity effect in stock-outs – A new look at a renowned phenomenon in consumers’ brand switching behavior. Psychology & Marketing, 33(1), 48-59.
  • Kettner, S.E. (2015). Essays on Social Preferences in Economic Experiments. Heidelberg: Universitätsbibliothek.
  • Zimmer, A., M. Jakob, M. & J. Steckel, (2015). What motivates Vietnam to strive for a low-carbon economy? – On the drivers of climate policy in a developing country. Energy for Sustainable Development, 24, 19-32.
  • Thorun, C. and Karpatkin, R.H. (2015). Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue. In Brobeck, S., & Mayer, R. N. Watchdogs and Whistleblowers: A Reference Guide to Consumer Activism (pp. 473–477). ABC-CLIO, Greenwood.
  • Von Braunmühl, P., & Thorun, C. (2006). The significance of SR-Standardization by ISO - a consumer evaluation. DIN Briefing 9.
  • Thorun, C. & Spindler, G. (2015). Eckpunkte einer digitalen Ordnungspolitik – Politikempfehlungen zur Verbesserung der Rahmenbedingungen für eine effektive Ko-Regulierung in der Informationsgesellschaft. Selbstregulierung Informationswirtschaft e.V.
  • Thorun, C., Spindler, G., & Blom, A. (2015). Die Evaluation der Buttonlösung. In: MMR - Multimedia und Recht, 1(15), pp. 3–27.
  • Thorun, C., Spindler, G., & Blom, A. (2014). Evaluation of the law for better consumer protection against cost traps in electronic commerce. Study conducted for the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection.
  • Thorun, C., & Diels, J. (2014). Risks and Opportunities for Consumer Welfare Arising from the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). FES WISO Diskurs.
  • Thorun, C., & Diels, J. (2014). Der neue Sachverständigenrat für Verbraucherfragen: Gestaltungsparameter für eine effektive Verbraucherpolitik. FES WISO Direkt.
  • Thorun, C., & Diels, J. (2014). The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and its possible implications for consumers. Neue Gesellschaft Frankfurter Hefte, 7(10), 33-37.
  • Thorun, C. (2014). On the way to a future-oriented institutional landscape for consumer policy. FES WISO Diskurs.
  • Rauber, J. (2014). Connecting standardization, patenting and strategic publishing in the framework of firms’ innovation and intellectual property management. Berlin: Universitätsbibliothek Technische Universität Berlin
  • Blind, K., Rauber, J., Müller, J. (2014). US-specific certifications and standards – the most important barriers to foreign trade with the USA. DIN Mitteilungen, 1, p. 11–15
  • Blind, K., Rauber, J., Müller, J. (2014). Results of the second survey round of the German standardization panel 2014. DIN Mitteilungen, 5, p. 18–21
  • Vetter, M., Eib, C., Hill-Kloß, S., Wollscheid, P., & Hagemann, D. (2014). Entwicklung und Validierung einer Skala zum sozialen Exhibitionismus im Internet. Diagnostica, 60, 153-165.
  • Thorun, C. (2013). Participant survey about the fridge change programme of the Wuppertaler Stadtwerke. Conducted for the NRW Consumer Protection Ministry.
  • Diels, J. L., Wiebach, N., & Hildebrandt, L. (2013). The impact of promotions on consumer choices and preferences in out-of-stock situations. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20(6), 587-598.
  • Thorun, C. (2013). Plädoyer für eine Professionalisierung der Verbraucherpolitik. In Baums, A. and Scott, B. (Ed.). Kompendium Digitale Standortpolitik: Vom 1x1 zum 3x3 (1st ed., pp. 90–97). Berlin.
  • Blind, K., Goluchowicz, K., Rauber, J. (2013). Results of the second survey round of the German standardization panel 2013. DIN Mitteilungen, 8, p. 23–25
  • Blind, K., Rauber, J. (2013). Standardization as an attractive platform for innovative businesses. DIN Mitteilungen, 12, p. 26–29
  • Diels, J. L., & Müller, H. (2013). Revisiting Tversky's trail—How money makes a subtle difference in similarity effect experiments. Psychology & Marketing, 30(6), 501-511.
  • Lell, O. (2013). A demand oriented transport system: Opportunities for consumers, new ways for transport policy. In: Internationales Verkehrswesen (65) issue No. 4/2013, pp. 11.
  • Thorun, C. & Niemeyer, F. (2012). Towards a fairer deal for consumers and the financial industry. Conducted for the Association of German Fee-Only Advisers and the quirin bank AG
  • Thorun, C., & Chaturvedi, K. (2012). Recommendations for a National Consumer Protection Agency in India. ConPolicy Studie gefördert durch die Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ.
  • Lell, O. (2012). Climate Protection from a consumer perspective. In: Wirtschaftsdienst – Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, Sonderheft 2012 "Instrumentenmix in der Klimapolitik – nationale und regionale Herausforderungen", pp. 37.
  • Lell, O. & Höltmann, I. (2012). Mobility of the future from a consumer perspective: sustainable, interconnected and affordable. Edited by Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband e.V.
  • Thorun, C. (2012). Employee and consumer interests: Allies or Opponents?, ConPolicy Study financed by the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung.
  • Thorun, C. (2011). Sustainable Consumption: Consumer information alone is insufficient - new approaches for sustainable consumption. ConPolicy Policy Brief.
  • Shared authorship. (2011). E-Commerce in China and Germany - A Sino-German Comparative Analysis. C.H.Beck München/Hart Oxford/Nomos Baden-Baden.
  • Thorun, C. & Hennes, W. (2011). Digital Public Affairs - Einführung, Ziele und Instrumente. Bundesverband Deutscher Pressesprecher.
  • Thorun, C. (2010). What consumer policy can learn from behavioural economics. FES WSIO Direkt.
  • Thorun, C. (2010). Financial regulatory reform - Lessons from the international debate. ConPolicy Policy Brief.
  • Thorun, C. (2010). Analysis of good and bad practices of financial services supervision from the consumer perspective in Great Britain and Ireland. Federation of German Consumer Organizations (vzbv), Consumer oriented supervision of financial services.
  • Lell, O. (2010). Services for citizens and consumers: political perspectives for energy, water and rail transport. FES WISO Diskurs.
  • Thorun, C. (2010). Consumer information - Limits and requirements. ConPolicy Policy Brief.
  • Thorun, C. (2010). Consumer policy research - What behavioural economics can learn from consumer policy. ConPolicy Policy Brief.
  • Thorun, C. (2008). Explaining Change in Russian Foreign Policy: The Role of Ideas in post-Soviet Russia’s Conduct towards the West. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Lell, O. (2008). Public Corporate Governance from a consumer perspective. In: Gesellschaft für öffentliche Wirtschaft (Ed.), Corporate Governance in der öffentlichen Wirtschaft, pp. 141.
  • Lell, O. (2008). Travelling with bus, railway and airplane – A case for consumer politics!, FES WISO-direkt.
  • Lell, O. (2008). Ethics – A new luxury article? Responsible consumption in politics and society. FES WISO Direkt.
  • Bracker, J., & Thorun, C. (2007). On the significance of the demand side for the efficiency of markets - a discussion of economic theory. Forum Ware 35.
  • Thorun, C. (2007). The tendency is justified, the amount not always reasonable – a comment on price increases for food. Ifo-Schnelldienst 19.
  • Thorun, C. (2006). RFID pleases the economy - consumers reaction (still) sceptical: Demands on a consumer friendly implementation of RFID-technology in retail. Forum Ware 34.
  • Lell, O. (2005). Is water a product? Liberalization and privatization of drinking water supply from the perspective of the Federation of German Consumer Organizations. In: José Lozan, Hartmut Graßl et al. (ed.), Warnsignal Klima, pp. 361.
  • Lell, O. (2004). The new labelling requirement for genetically engineered food – An infringement of world trade law? EuZW 2004, pp. 108.
  • Lell, O. & Steudte, C. (2003). EC and marine environmental protection with a special focus on the draft Water Framework Directive. In: Czybulka, D. (Ed.), Naturschutz und Rechtsregime im Küsten- und Offshore-Bereich; Nomos publishing: Baden-Baden.
  • Lell, O. (2003). Legal questions of environmental product labelling in German, European and international law. UTR volume 69, Erich Schmidt Verlag: Berlin.
  • Lell, O. (2001). Protection oft he seas against pollutants – Conflicts between EC law and international law, ZUR 2001, pp. 138.
  • Lell, O. & Rechenberg, J. (2001). Overburdened legislative procedure? An inside view from the consultations on the Water Framework Directive. ZUR 2001, Sonderheft: Aktuelle Fragen des Gewässerschutzes, pp. 174.
  • Brackemann, H. et al. (2000). Liberalization of the German water supply – Effects on health and environment, outline of a framework for a competitive water resource, German Federal Environmental Agency, publication 2/00.