
Dr. Jana Diels

Project Manager

Dr. Jana Diels
Project Manager

Tel: +49 (0) 30 / 2359116-12
Fax: +49 (0) 30 / 2359116-99

Dr. Jana Diels works as Project Manager for Consumer Research at ConPolicy and is responsible for the implementation of strategic consulting projects and scientific studies in the areas of consumer policy and consumer behavior.

Her thematic focus includes sustainable consumption as well as drivers and influencing factors of sustainable behaviors in online and offline contexts, political youth participation as well as structures and instruments of consumer policy.

Jana Diels has implemented consulting and research projects for the European Commission, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection (BMJV), the German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA) and the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), among others.

Jana Diels is an expert in empirical social research. Her methodological focus is on the planning, implementation, and evaluation of (large-scale) quantitative surveys, qualitative surveys such as focus groups (on- and offline), in-depth interviews or user experience tests as well as the evaluation and further development of political strategies.

Jana Diels studied International Management and Business Administration at the University of Flensburg and the Humboldt University Berlin. Here, she wrote her doctoral thesis on factors influencing consumer decision-making.

Selected publications

  • Münsch, M., Diels, J., Gossen, M., Bergener, J., & Kettner, S. E. (2024). Unused Potentials for effective sustainability communication. zfwu Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts-und Unternehmensethik, 25(1), 113-148.
  • Schrader, C., Thorun, C., Diels, J., Münsch, M., Mohn, C. & Jenny, M.A. (2024). Efficient approaches in climate communication. In: Climate Change | 16/2024. Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau.
  • Thorun, C., Kettner, S.E., Lell, O., Münsch, M., Diels, J. et al. (2024). Better information for more sustainability in ecommerce. Online Guide.
  • Diels, J., Münsch, M. & Thorun, C. (2022). Jugend und Konsum II: Beteiligungsformate für nachhaltigen Konsum. Umweltbundesamt, Texte | 79/2022.
  • Binder, F. et al. (2022). Putting users in the loop: How user research can guide AI development for a consumer-oriented self-service portal. In: Rauterberg, M. (ed) Culture and Computing. HCII 2022. Vol 13324, Springer.

Selected lectures and presentations

  • Expert Forum of the Federal Environment Agency: Effective means against food waste – Behavioral change through nudging (Berlin, September 06, 2017)
  • Berlin PubTalk: Nudging – better regulation or manipulation of citizens? (Berlin, February 16, 2016)
  • NovoArgumente: Lost in consumption jungle? Consumer policy between protection and paternalism (Berlin, December 01, 2015)