Kettner, S.E. (2024). Digital responsibility – an HR issue – but it is not just an HR issue. In Brink, A. (ed.) Corporate Digital Responsibility. People-centered digitalization.
Kettner, S.E. & Thorun, C. (2024). People at the center of digitalization – results of a representative online survey on people-centeredness. In Brink, A. (ed.) Corporate Digital Responsibility. People-centered digitalization.
Münsch, M., Kettner, S.E. & Thorun, C. (2024). Einstellungen und Engagement von Verbraucher*innen in der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation. Vertiefungsstudie zur Umweltbewusstseinsstudie 2022. In: Texte | 97/2024. Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau.
Münsch, M., Diels, J., Gossen, M., Bergener, J., & Kettner, S. E. (2024). Unused Potentials for effective sustainability communication. zfwu Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts-und Unternehmensethik, 25(1), 113-148.
Kettner, S.E. et al. (2024). Survey on the perception and evaluation of potentially unfair practices in the digital space. Fact sheet created on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
Grothmann, T., Frick, V., Harnisch, R., Münsch, M., Kettner, S.E. & Thorun, C. (2023). Umweltbewusstsein in Deutschland 2022. Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage. BMUV & UBA
Kettner, S.E. & Thorun, C. (2023). Survey on power structures in the digital space. Fact sheet commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection.
Michaelsen, F. et al. (2022). Study to identify initiatives to provide local advice to consumers. Report for Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers (DG JUST)
Michaelsen et al. (2022): The impact of influencers on advertising and consumer protection in the Single Market. Study requested by the IMCO committee. European Parliament.
Lell, O., Kettner, S. E., Thorun, C. & Bendig, T. (2021). Verbraucherschutz digital neu denken: Consumer Protection Technologies – Politische Relevanz, Potential und Handlungsbedarf.
Lell, O. & Kettner, S. E. (2021). Kurzgutachten zu Amazon Alexa. Eine exemplarische Untersuchung zu den Einsatzmöglichkeiten von digitalen Sprachassistenten für Voice Commerce und IoT-Steuerung und zu den Auswirkungen auf Verbraucherinteressen und Wettb
Kettner, S. E. & Thorun, C. (2021): Online-Gaming – Overview on data and facts from Germany. Factsheet commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection.
Suter, J. et al. (2021): Consumers' engagement in the circular economy: Results from a large-scale behavioral experiment and survey in the EU. In Nissen, N. F. & Jaeger-Erben, M. (Ed.), PLATE – Product lifetimes and the environment (pp. 769–776).
Kettner, S. E. & Thorun. C. (2021): Corporate Digital Responsibility – Results from a representative consumer survey. Factsheet commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection.
Kettner, S. E. & Thorun, C. (2021): IoT for Consumers within the Smart Home. In Leupold, A., Wiebe, A. & Glossner, S. (Ed.), IT-Recht – Recht, Wirtschaft und Technik der digitalen Transformation (4th ed., pp. 1152–1162).
Kettner, S. E. & Thorun, C. (2020): Consumers' usage and experiences with social media and messenger-services – Results of an online-representative survey. Factsheet commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection.
Thorun, C. & Kettner, S.E. (2020). Corporate Digital Responsibility – Data Responsibility?. In Bertelsmann Stiftung, Wittenberg-Zentrum für Globale Ethik (Ed.), Unternehmensverantwortung im digitalen Wandel (1st ed., pp. 176-182).
Kettner, S.E., Thorun, C. & Spindler, G. (2020). Innovative Privacy Consent Management. Final Report. Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection.
Kettner, S.E., Münsch, M. & Thorun, C. (2020) Möglichkeiten des Einsatzes von Nudging im Strahlenschutz am Beispiel UV-Schutz. Ressortforschungsberichte zum Strahlenschutz ; 161/20. Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS).
Rzepecka, J. et al. (2020). Economic aspects of geographical indication protection at EU level for non-agricultural products in the EU. Final report. European Commission – DG GROW.
Goeschl, T., Kettner, S.E., Lohse, J. & Schwieren, C. (2020). How much can we learn about voluntary climate action from behavior in public goods games? Ecological Economics, Volume 17.
Kettner, S.E., Thorun, C. (2019). DATENSCHUTZscanner – Mehr Transparenz und Kontrolle beim Datenschutz in Smartphone-Apps, in: Reisch, L.A., Thorun, C., Micklitz, H-W. (2019) Verbraucherforschungsforum „Künstliche Intelligenz und Verbraucherpolitik:
Frick, V., Gossen, M.; unter Mitarbeit von: Lautermann, C.; Muster, V.; Kettner, S.; Thorun, C.; Santarius, T. (2019): Digitization of markets and lifestyles: New challenges for sustainable consumption, TEXTS (124/2019), Federal Environmental Agency UBA
Philipps, R., Thorun, C., Rauber, J. & Kettner, S.E. (2019). Position paper – Security, self-determination, fairness and inclusion: Policy recommendations for consumer policy in an era of digital change. FES WISO Diskurs.
Suter, J. et al. (2019). Behvioural study on the digitalisation of the marketing and distance selling of retail financial services. Final report. European Commission – DG JUST.
Goeschl, T., Kettner, S.E., Lohse, J., & Schwieren, C. (2018). From Social Information to Social Norms: Evidence from Two Experiments on Donation Behaviour. Games, 9(4), 91.
Kettner, S.E., Kleinhans, J.-P. & Thorun, C. (2018). Big data and smart living: Status quo and development trends. Report for the project ABIDA (Assessing Big Data)
Kettner, S.E., Thorun, C. & Vetter, M. (2018). Better informed? Results from behavioral science on the effectiveness of the privacy-one-pager approach and further solutions for data protection
Kettner, S. E., & I. Waichman (2016). Old age and prosocial behavior: Social preferences or experimental confounds? Journal of Economic Psychology, 53, 118-130.
Kettner, S.E. (2015). Essays on Social Preferences in Economic Experiments. Heidelberg: Universitätsbibliothek.
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