There are large discrepancies between people's attitudes and behaviors in both health protection and climate and environmental protection. At the same time, there are some correlations between behaviors that are beneficial for the climate and the environment and those that are beneficial for health. For example, giving up meat helps to reduce the individual's carbon footprint as well as contributing to their own health.
How findings in the field of nudging can contribute to helping people make climate- and health-friendly decisions is discussed in a newly published article by ConPolicy project managers Dr. Julius Rauber and Marlene Münsch and ConPolicy fellow Dr. Max Vetter in the thematic volume "Climate and Health Protection: Planetary Health Solution Approaches" by editors Viviane Scherenberg and Johanne Pundt. After first outlining the concept of nudging in theory, various types of nudges are presented and, finally, how they can be used specifically to improve climate, environmental and health protection at the same time.
You can get an insight into the contents of the anthology here.
Further insights into the potential of nudging in terms of environmental sustainability were gained as part of the Green Nudging project and can be found here.