
Talk on possibilities and limits of NudgesConPolicy contributes to panel discussion at the 5. BZfE-Forum

As part of this event organized by the Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE), in the panel discussion entitled 'Einfach (nach)machen! Our role for the food of the future', the question was explored to what extent behavior-based measures such as nudges can contribute to a healthier and more sustainable diet and where the possibilities and limits of such approaches lie. Dr. Julius Rauber took part in the discussion on behalf of ConPolicy and presented the findings of the 'Green Nudging' project.

Besides Dr. Rauber, the discussion was attended by: Doreen Havenstein (KlimaTeller), Franziska Lienert (Too good to go), Dr. Jan Grossarth (journalist from Frankfurt am Main), Prof. Wencke Gwozdz (Justus Liebig University) and Prof. Dr. Gunther Hirschfelder (University of Regensburg).