
A critical examination of the ethical limitations of nudgingConPolicy in the #Nudge2020 debate: On the ethics of Nudging in the health sector

On November 17, 2020, ConPolicy project manager Dr. Annette Cerulli-Harms participated in a panel discussion on the use of nudging in the health sector. Together with Dr. Benjamin Ewert (University of Siegen) and Dr. Rebecca C. Ruehle (VU Amsterdam), Annette Cerulli-Harms discussed possible ethical and legal aspects of nudging, especially in the health sector, at the digital conference #Nudge2020. 

The event, organized by läuft GmbH, focused on the potential limits of nudging: In the discussion, it was critically examined by whom and in which decision situations nudging may be used to design the decision architecture. In addition, the participants discussed the role of nudging as a political instrument for governance, also including participation possibilities and potential alternatives. 

Nudging is regarded as one of the central methods for initiating behavioral change in behavioral economics. There was a consensus within the discussion that the success of nudging can only be judged by means of continuous, data-driven evaluation.

Find more information and examples of nudging in general here.