Behavioral studies for better consumer policy
Kreuzung vor dem Bahnhof Shibuya in Tokio

Framework agreement with the European CommissionBehavioral studies for better consumer policy

Project period:
July 2020 – June 2022

European Commission – DG JUST  

Project partner:
London Economics, VVA Brussels und Ipsos NV

Consumer policy today acknowledges the fact that consumers do not behave as homo economicus, but that their behavior is influenced inter alia by decision contexts, social norms or the behavior of others. Bearing this in mind, consumer policy is able to develop and implement more effective and targeted policy interventions.

Against this background, in 2020 for the fourth time, the European Commission announced a framework contract for the implementation of behavioral studies. A consortium led by London Economics, including ConPolicy, VVA Brussels and Ipsos NV, has been awarded the contract for the framework agreement for the fourth time in a row and will be conducting behavioral studies for the Commission from 2020 on.

Project of

Managing Director

+49 (0)30 2359116-11

Project Manager

+49 (0)30 2359116-17

Project Manager

+49 (0)30 2359116-13