Digitalization is already permeating many spheres of life. There are also digital innovations in public transport that can affect both providers and users. Some of these innovations are based on the use and analysis of large amounts of data from multiple sources - called big data. Since the use of big data in public transport can bring both advantages as well as disadvantages and a comprehensive discussion is still pending, ConPolicy and InnoZ (The Living Lab for Connected Mobility) have been commissioned to prepare a report on this topic by the project consortium ABIDA (Assessing Big Data).
The report addresses the following topics in five work packages:
- Conceptual framework – definition and delimitation of the topic
- Analysis of the supply side – literature and stakeholder research
- Analysis of the consumer side – representative survey
- Reflection and discussion of the results
- Derivation of recommendations for action and summary
In addition to the project management, ConPolicy was responsible for the analysis of the consumer side in the form of a representative survey and also carried out expert interviews in advance. Finally, the findings of the two partners were combined and the following recommendations for providers, users and political and regulatory decision-makers were derived.
- The digitalization of public transport has progressed very differently and appropriate follow-up investments and developments are to be initiated.
- Platforms for fast and efficient data exchange must be created. This requires a clear regulatory framework.
- When designing the regulatory framework, data protection and data security must be given priority.
- Big data-based innovations in public transport must be individually reviewed in order to achieve positive economic and environmental effects and to rule out socially undesirable consequences.
- New opportunities in the triad of public principal, providers of public transport systems and private companies should be developed.
The report including a detailed description of the measures and findings is available here.