
Framework contract with the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer ProtectionConPolicy provides short-term expertise in consumer protection

Project period:
November 2024 – Oktober 2026

German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)

Consumer policy has an impact on various areas of everyday life and often has to react quickly to emerging developments. For this reason, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) has commissioned the ConPolicy-Institute to create a range of factsheets on various consumer-relevant topics in the coming years. The purpose of these factsheets is to provide the leadership and, if necessary, the specialized departments of the BMUV with evidence-based, short-term basic information for political measures, messages, dates, events and positions. The factsheets analyze current trends and problems in the consumer sector in the form of an analytical, fact-centered presentations.

Various methods are used in the preparation of the factsheets: starting with literature reviews, secondary source analyses, analyses of the legal framework, online surveys, quantitative and qualitative data collection and evaluation, expert interviews and good practice analyses.

Project of

Project Manager

+49 (0)30 2359116-17

Project Manager

+49 (0)30 2359116-13

Dr. Otmar Lell Project Manager

+49 (0)30 2359116-19

Project Manager

+49 (0)30 2359116-18

Project Manager

+49 (0)30 2359116-16

Managing Director

+49 (0)30 2359116-11