
Project for the Federal Office for Radiation ProtectionHow do different types of information affect risk perception in radiation protection contexts?

Project duration:
May 2023 – July 2024

German Federal Office for Radiation Protection

INNOFACT AG, Hochschule Karlsruhe, Prof. Dr. Constanze Rossmann

UV rays, electromagnetic fields, or natural radioactivity like radon are almost omnipresent. However, we cannot perceive radiation with our senses: we cannot see, hear, taste, or smell it. Consequently, many people are often not sufficiently aware of the presence of radiation and the associated risks, nor do they take the necessary protective measures. Therefore, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) has the important task of educating the population about radiation and promoting protective measures.

In the context of its information and communication activities, the BfS employs both traditional offline communication formats (brochures) as well as online and interactive formats (websites, videos, infographics). Moreover, map representations play a significant role among the radiation protection information. Maps are used to visually illustrate radiation exposures geographically, including information about radon levels and the current UV-index.

The exact impact of maps, as well as general online and offline communication about radiation risks on risk perception, remains unclear. It is essential to address this research gap, especially in light of the increasing digitalization. Specifically, the study aims to investigate how potential differences and characteristics of communication formats influence risk understanding and risk perception.

In light of these objectives, the BfS has commissioned the ConPolicy Institute to conduct this study using qualitative and quantitative methods.

The project will be carried out in five work packages:

  • WP 1: Review of the scientific discourse through a literature review.
  • WP 2: Preparation of data collection in WPs 3 and 4.
  • WP 3: Analysis of existing communication materials from the BfS using an online-experiment with N=1,000 individuals from the general population. The aim is to test how different materials are understood and their impact on risk perception.
  • WP 4: Analysis of maps through qualitative individual interviews and another online-experiment involving N=2,000 participants. The goal is to identify elements and design styles that positively influence map understanding, risk perception, and intentions for taking protective measures.
  • WP 5: Summarizing all results in a final report.

ConPolicy leads the project and is responsible for implementing all work steps, including the experiments. Additionally, the institute coordinates collaboration with project partners: the market research firm INNOFACT AG and the academic experts, Professor Dr. Constanze Rossmann of health and risk communication, and Professor Dr.-Ing. Gertrud Schaab of cartography.

Project of

Project Manager

+49 (0)30 2359116-17

Project Manager

+49 (0)30 2359116-18