
ForbrukerrådetYou can log out, but you can never leave – How Amazon manipulates consumers to keep them subscribed to Amazon Prime


Autorinnen und Autoren:
Consumer Council of Norway Forbrukerrådet

Januar 2021

Consumer Council of Norway Forbrukerrådet, Bericht

In this report, the authors of the Consumer Council of Norway Forbrukerrådet show how Amazon makes it unreasonably cumbersome to unsubscribe from the Amazon Prime service. The process of cancelling an Amazon Prime subscription is riddled with a combination of manipulative design techniques, known as 'dark patterns'. Consumers who want to leave the service are faced with a large number of hurdles, including complicated navigation menus, skewed wording, confusing choices, and repeated nudging. As the authors argue in this report, the sum of these practices is a process that seems designed to be obscure and manipulative, in order to keep consumers bound to the paid service. These practices were observed on Amazon’s platforms in both the US and in Europe.

In the opinion of Forbrukerrådet, the use of dark patterns to prevent consumers from leaving a service is in breach of consumer law. Although Amazon is one of the largest online platforms globally, the dark patterns described throughout this report are emblematic of a broader problem. Consumers are faced with dark patterns on a daily basis; whether they want to use an online retailer, unsubscribe from a service, protect their privacy, and in many other situations. These manipulative design features undermine consumers’ ability to make free and informed choices by making us act against our own interests in favor of the interest of service providers. The authors call on service providers to stop using dark patterns and on consumer authorities to crack down on infringements of consumer and marketing law.

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